Terms of Use

Terms of Use of the Valalta d.o.o. -  VAL SALINE CAMPING Rovinj Website


Access to the web pages of Valalta d.o.o. and the information contained therein are subject to the terms and conditions described below. Any use of these pages upon loading the homepage is considered to be an acceptance of the following legal conditions:

By using the Valalta d.o.o. web pages you agree and subject to Croatian substantive law as exclusively relevant for the interpretation, application and legal effects of all permissions, exclusions and terms of use of these pages. Croatian courts are solely competent for all claims and disputes arising out of or in connection with the use of the pages in question.

All content published on the website www.valalta.hr and www. campvalsaline.hr shall not be distributed or used in any way for commercial purposes without the express written consent of Valalta d.o.o. or in any way that may cause damage to Valalta d.o.o. or any third party.

Documents, data, photographs and information published on this website may only be used for individual needs of the user respecting all copyright and related rights and the rights of third parties in accordance with the legal regulations of the Republic of Croatia.

We are doing everything within our power to ensure that all redirects from our website direct you and/or your child to quality Internet sites whose content do not encourage negativity. However, sites and addresses on the Internet are changing quickly, and we cannot always guarantee the content of each address you are redirected to.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms of Use or our privacy terms, or regarding your experience with this Internet address, please contact us at privacy@valalta.hr.

Valalta d.o.o. does not warrant that the materials contained on this site are appropriate or user accessible at certain locations, i.e. they are not responsible for accessing them from the territories of countries where their content is prohibited by law. It will be considered that access to the sites from these locations is undertaken arbitrarily, with the responsibility placed on the user under the applicable law.

The information provided by Valalta d.o.o. published on these pages are considered accurate and reliable at the time of their entry, however, you should be warned that there is a possibility of deviating from the accuracy, truthfulness or reliability of any of the data stored on these pages at the time they are being accessed.

The information available on the site must not be considered grounds for making important personal or business decisions and you agree that Valalta d.o.o. will not be held responsible for the possible non-fulfilment of your personal and business decisions. Valalta d.o.o. can, at any time, without prior notice, update or modify the information on this site. Valalta d.o.o. disclaims any liability which may in any way arise or is in any way connected to the use of this website, for any action made by the user when using or misusing the contents of this website and for any damages that the user or any third party may incur from the use or misuse of the contents of this website.

This website contains documents, information, data and links to other web pages created by third parties that will be marked as such whenever possible. Valalta d.o.o. has no control whatsoever over the above mentioned documents, data, information or other web pages, and fully disclaims any liability, including accuracy, completeness and availability of content on third party websites.

Our global network server uses statistical software. These programs are a standard feature of all web servers and are not unique to our site. Such statistical programs allow us to customize our pages so as to be as effective and simple as possible for our visitors (identifying information that our users are most or least interested in, customizing pages for individual web browsers, improving the efficiency of the structure of our site as well as page views).

Please note that sending private messages online by electronic mail may be unsafe and subject to unauthorized access by third parties or misdelivery. Any message received by electronic mail will be considered unreliable and Valalta d.o.o. shall not be held liable for the security or privacy of such messages.

Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of the design or background of the Valalta d.o.o. pages, individual page elements, design of the Valalta d.o.o. logo owned by Valalta d.o.o. is prohibited without the express written approval of Valalta d.o.o. Unless agreed otherwise, the documents, data and information published on this website may only be used for personal purposes, subject to all copyright and property rights as well as third parties rights.

Valalta d.o.o. reserves the right to modify or terminate all or any part of this website and its terms of use at any time. Changes shall take effect upon being published on the website.